Soon we’ll go live on Kickstarter with our game, Absolutism.

We’re working now on the material we need for the campaign on Kickstarter: the video clip, graphic design, story, financials, photos, illustrations. Everything should be ready and in place by the deadline.

At the same time, we’re preparing new files for our second batch of cards to complete our second prototype. We have scheduled at least four more playtests before the campaign will be over.

Why, do you ask? Because we want to send to production the best version of the game we can offer. With every playtest we make improvements and additions to the game’s value.

So, please, bear with us a little bit more. We’ll send an email on the date of the Kickstarter campaign launch to let everyone know we’re live.

We encourage you to subscribe to our email list so you’ll have access to our latest updates immediately. There will be surprise pledges and time-sensitive pledges. You better stay informed.