The Mighty Beaver looked quite regular. But he was Mighty with capital M! He was an NWA, in other words, a northern wanderer artist, visiting northern princely courts and singing ballads for bed and meal. His voice was so mesmerizing that whenever he’d arrived at a castle, the local Lord would lock his daughters in the tower, far away from his enchanting voice.

One day, the Beaver arrived at the Canaburg and found it in mourning. They wouldn’t even produce their famous Canape anymore. That’s how upset they were. The CanaLord told him that his son, the CanaPrince, had been declared by the Orange King a thief! A THIEF!

“He stole our shoes!” the Orange King had announced in the public square. “They live in igloos up there, in the north, and wear tree bark shoes. Some say stone shoes, but this administration does not believe in stone. So, we decided on tree bark.”

One of his advisors said: “Well, he actually bought the shoes, your Orangeness!”

“No, my story is better and if I tell it out loud, it will be the TRUTH. My subjects love me!”

Then the Orange King addressed the public once more: “Our shoes are made with beautiful, beautiful swan skin. Elegant and regal. We are special. And the savage northerners are envious of our accomplishments. So, they sent their Treacherous Prince to steal our shoes from our beautiful feet.”

Nobody knows what the CanaLord asked of the Mighty Beaver, but he was seen crossing the border into the Orange Kingdom. And now all the Orange King’s people tremble, waiting to see WHY THE BEAVER CROSSED THE BORDER.

You’ll find out the answer to this question soon.