As no sane solutions can save you in a real dictatorship, in ABSOLUTISM the players’ solutions will be absurd and funny.
Absolutism uncovers the hilarious truth about who is the most dictatorial in your group of friends or among your family members.
It should be played in groups of four or more, up to ten players and it is perfect for grown-ups. Well, if you insist, you can play it in even greater numbers…
The “Victorious Party Leader” will read aloud a RED Card containing a scenario and the “Victorious Party Members” players will submit their YELLOW cards with possible solutions. The Party Leader chooses the best YELLOW card regardless of the Party Members’ opinions, just like in Absolutism!
You win the turn and keep the RED card if the Party Leader chooses your YELLOW card (SOLUTION).
The winner of the game is the player with the biggest number of RED cards. It’s that simple!
- The first deck of cards (RED cards) contains 90 totalitarian type society scenarios, plus 5 RE-EDUCATION cards, and 5 NATIONALIZATION cards.
- The second deck of cards (YELLOW cards) contains 300 possibilities to solve those scenarios in humorous ways. You should have fun while contemplating a bleak future. This deck of cards also contains 15 SECRET cards: 5 SECRET POLICE WARRANTS, 5 BRIBE cards, and 5 COUP D’ÉTAT cards. As in any dictatorship, the fight for power is real, bloody and dirty.
- The 6 BADGES OF HONOUR cards are meant to award those who have won the most after several rounds: those who have proved to be most despotically-inclined, so to say.
Players have a hand limit of six YELLOW cards. The Party Leader begins the game by drawing a RED card and reading the scenario. Imagine you’re in the situation described on the RED card. Then try to solve the dilemma presented in the scenario using the YELLOW cards.
At times, you may be in possession of a SECRET POLICE WARRANT, so you can act against one of your playmates and strip them of his/her winnings. Or you may draw a NATIONALIZATION card and act in the name of the Party to take away some of the winnings of all players.
To read the full rules check them out here.